Last year I talked about branding a day, in particular "White Day". Now I have come across this article on rebranding Valentine's Day, which I think is worth taking a look at. A few creative minds have done what they are paid for, be creative! They are trying to add some freshness to well established Valentine's Day icons, in some cases creating a completely new look and feel. Icons are used in marketing to establish a quick connection between the consumer and the brand. Ideally, as soon as the consumer identifies such an icon he will know which brand is "talking” to him. In this case we are not talking about an icon representing a corporate brand, rather icons that stand for a feeling or emotion linked to Valentine's Day. Should those icons be changed? I think it is worth a try and let the market be the judge!
There is a short article published in FastCompany. It provides some nice examples on the proposed changes. Just check it out.
Link to the article